Methoden der Bioinformatik – WS 2017/2018 [*]


If you have a Windows Laptop (Windows < Windows 10) and want to run a linux system inside, the simplest way is to run a Virtual Machine using VirtualBox. You can check the following site for informations


If you have a windows 10 laptop, this is even simpler: check this website


Important notice : Lectures start c.t., practicals start s.t. !!

Date Topic Type Location Time
19.10 Introduction Lecture 1 : intro to Bioinfo BQ 10-12
20.10 Bash intro Practicals IPMB 10-11.30/11.30-13
26.10 Bash (cont.) Practicals IPMB 10-11/11-12
27.10 Bash Practicals IPMB 10-11.30/11.30-13
02.11 Awk Lecture/Practical IPMB 10-11/11-12
03.11 Variablen Practicals IPMB 10-11.30/11.30-13
09.11 Lists Practicals IPMB 10-11/11-12
10.11 Loops/Tests Practicals IPMB 10-11.30/11.30-13
16.11 Reading files Practicals IPMB 10-11/11-12
17.11 Conclusion Practicals IPMB 10-11.30/11.30-13