We present a simulation to explain the principles of Expectation Maximization (EM). We assume that 2 coins are used, which are biased in a different way, and can yield 1 or 2 as output. We observe the outcome of a certain number of draws (n series of k throws). We define the way in which these coins are biased, and check of the EM algorithm is able to find these hidden parameters:

bias = c('blue'=0.75,'red'=0.22)

For each color, the bias indicates the probability to get a 1.

We now define the parameters of the game:

K = 100 # number of throws per series
N = 50 # number of series

## this function throws the dice
dice = function(bias) {
  ifelse(runif(1)>= bias, 2, 1)

## this function plays the game
sequences = lapply(1:N,function(i) {
  color = ifelse(runif(1)>0.7,'red','blue')
  sapply(1:K,function(j) {
##    1    2 
## 2788 2212

We initialize the parameters of the EM:

## random starting point for the parameters
t = c(0.2,0.1)

n = do.call('rbind',lapply(sequences,function(x) {

for (iteration in 1:30) {
  p=do.call('rbind',lapply(1:nrow(n),function(i) {
    y = c(t[1]^x[1]*(1-t[1])^x[2],
  X = cbind(p[,1]*n,p[,2]*n)
  XX = apply(X,2,sum)

plot(1:nrow(T),T[,1],ylim=c(0,1),type='b',col='blue',xlab='Iterations',ylab='Parameters',lwd=2);points(1:nrow(T),T[,2],type='b',col='red',lwd=2);abline(h=bias,lty=3);title(paste0('N = ',N,'; K = ',K))

##        [,1]      [,2]
##   0.2000000 0.1000000
## t 0.5600619 0.1679614
## t 0.7525770 0.2394729
## t 0.7525806 0.2394737
## t 0.7525806 0.2394737
## t 0.7525806 0.2394737
## t 0.7525806 0.2394737
## t 0.7525806 0.2394737
## t 0.7525806 0.2394737
## t 0.7525806 0.2394737
## t 0.7525806 0.2394737
## t 0.7525806 0.2394737
## t 0.7525806 0.2394737
## t 0.7525806 0.2394737
## t 0.7525806 0.2394737
## t 0.7525806 0.2394737
## t 0.7525806 0.2394737
## t 0.7525806 0.2394737
## t 0.7525806 0.2394737
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## t 0.7525806 0.2394737
## t 0.7525806 0.2394737
## t 0.7525806 0.2394737
## t 0.7525806 0.2394737
## t 0.7525806 0.2394737
## t 0.7525806 0.2394737
## t 0.7525806 0.2394737
## t 0.7525806 0.2394737
## t 0.7525806 0.2394737
## t 0.7525806 0.2394737
## t 0.7525806 0.2394737